Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Jay Shiva created this network for all spiritually connected individuals to learn, share experiences, look for services and open the spiritual world by connecting others as she knows many people out there found it difficult to find a place to connect to like-minded spiritual individuals.


This is a place to meet like-minded people, a place to exchange Spiritual Thoughts and enjoy growing Spiritually.

You may join if you wish to connect with Like Minded individuals here.

Her goal is to create a space for everyone to connect on a spiritual level, and help each other grow and learn in all aspects of spirituality. She can be reached for Psychic Readings, Medium-ship, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Numerology and everything in between.  She welcomes everyone to join her journey in this Divine to expand consciousness in this Spiritual Enlightening.

Those who want to explore and learn more in connecting and experience the essence of Divinity. To widen their Spiritual Growth journey in experiencing the moment of peace.

She has guided people through groups and individually to develop their spiritual gifts and she uses her Divine Guidance and experience to educate, heal and help in this spiritual connection.

Free Spiritual Healing

Reiki Healing - Kootu Pharthanai

About This Group

There is no charge for the Healing Services, as only free healings provided in this Spiritual group.

Spiritual Souls

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